Current Issue

Vol. 29 No. 316 (2024)
El fútbol globalizado: espejo de un mundo desigual

Globalized Soccer: A Mirror of an Unequal World
Twenty-four hours a day, more and more platforms that broadcast matches every day, at any time, from any league in the world, globalization has transformed the football market, increasing income from television rights and sponsorships, which in turn has boosted soccer players' salaries. In this way, the prizes of an elite of players have skyrocketed to exorbitant figures.
It is one of the many phenomena of these times that determines that a large majority of the population passively observes from the screens and sees the daily decline not only in the possibilities of consumption with their salaries but also in the constant precariousness of the labor market, with initiatives that only benefit a minority. Meanwhile, there is an absence of public policies that promote a more equitable distribution of wealth, invest in education and vocational training, and foster inclusive economic growth. Specialized journalism spends hours debating inconsequential details, imposing the soccer agenda and shaping a reality determined by commercial interests. In this way, what is necessary to build a critical view of reality, make more informed decisions to avoid being manipulated by fragmented information, and contribute initiatives that call for the resolution of collective needs is hidden from view.
Tulio Guterman, Director - September 2024

Published: 2024-09-02



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