Vol. 23 No. 239 (2018)

Baloncesto en Venice Beach, Los Angeles, California

Nobody lives and develops alone, we are product of our environment and our time. Hence, an environment that values and stimulates effort and creativity will always encourage more valuable and socially relevant people. We also know that giving permission to make mistakes is a way to correct them and move towards better achievements.

Will we be more successful if we were born with natural talent? Is luck a key factor in the final result we seek? To question and give some answer to things that for many are universal truths, Gary Player, the famous South African golfer, coined the phrase The harder I practice, the luckier I get.

This indicates that, without denying the multiple factors that intervene, the recognition of the effort must have a much greater value in the educational field, in sports and at work, if we want to obtain the best medium and long-term results.

Tulio GutermanManager - April 2018

Published: 2018-04-29



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