Vol. 27 No. 288 (2022)

25 years of EFDeportes.com
A few weeks ago we celebrated 25 years on the Internet. During these two and a half decades we have shared the process of growth and expansion of several subjects: education, sports and comprehensive health. Staying up-to-date, self-improvement and professional qualification became necessary and along this path we proposed topics that became new challenges for applied professionals, scholars and researchers.
At a time when communities are facing enormous changes and professions are strongly impacted, the technological wave has been and still is overwhelming and requires constant learning and adaptation. But there are essential issues that are always there and are inexcusable: respect for uniqueness and differences, social and educational inclusion, equal rights, access to culture for everyone, without exception.
Although technological tools are essential, this digital magazine does not originate with the sole intervention of artifacts. It is a task of a human group: there are those who edit, correct, review, supervise, draw, translate, design, and necessarily those who produce the texts and choose this medium for their broadcasting. This gives as a result, readers, commentators, broadcasters, critics, each adding value and providing feedback on the work done. In the search for the highest quality and improvement day by day, I share this unique moment with all those who contributed and continue to contribute their time, their knowledge and their talent. For what we did and for what will come, cooperating, exchanging... we keep going.
Tulio Guterman, Director - May 2022