Vol. 27 No. 287 (2022)

Goodbye Roberto Di Giano
He was the co-pilot who guided us through the most challenging route, in this daily journey that takes us through the twists and turns of knowledge of the world and its protagonists. He produced multimedia knowledge, author of five personal books -one posthumous that will be presented in a few weeks- and many others in collaboration, he wrote dozens of articles and took part in several educational videos on the topics of his specialty. Sociologist graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, scholar of society, its leaders and their times, singer of tangos and ballads, Roberto Di Giano will no longer be present.
Many of us will feel his loss, we will miss sharing and discussing ideas about the paradoxes and absurdities that occur when soccer, society and politics meet. There will be an empty chair in the meetings with authors from different latitudes, in those neighborhood gatherings full of chats watered down with coffees and beers, and in the after-meal comments in the barbecues.
A few months before the start of a World Cup, nothing is more contemporary than a phrase from its enormous production, which invites us to think about an event that has an impact on the global stage: Politicians are highly interested in their countries’ selections qualifications, even if they are far from moving fans based on authenticity and beauty. That intense view of reality, his commitment, his knowledge, his experience, his dignity... we will miss you.
Tulio Guterman, Director - April 2022