Vol. 28 No. 309 (2024)

Common benefit
For more than a century, clubs in Argentina have been privileged spaces for the social and sporting development of communities. By being configured as non-profit entities, they became places of belonging, identity and the promotion of democratic values. A common benefit that to this day has a positive impact on the promotion of health, well-being, integration and the personal and social development of people.
In these times, the privatization attempt was revived, which, if carried out, will inevitably cause the exclusion of relevant sectors of the population that have traditionally been an important part of sports culture. Furthermore, it means limiting access to a training environment for a large majority of young people who over decades have stood out worldwide in sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, rugby, field and roller hockey, rugby and softball, among others.
It is true that many institutions face various problems, but they can be solved by improving management and incorporating trained professionals in various areas. However, the indifference of some and the fantasy of others of believing that the market will solve everything can lead to the disappearance of many clubs. A culture is at risk of being devastated by the predatory market, which is an unmistakable sign of the notable degradation of social capital, unique traditions and tangible values.
Tulio Guterman, Director - February 2024