Vol. 25 No. 263 (2020)

The post-pandemic world
What will the world be like when quarantine ends? What will happen when there is no risk of sanitary collapse and massive contagion?
We hope that it is not another moment of shock, of being disoriented, not knowing what is happening and uninformed as characterized by the researcher Naomi Klein. Brutal scenario for an elitist minority to take advantage of this historical and political moment to impose their practices of social exclusion and thus expand profitability at any price, including that of human life.
An enormous majority slowed down the pandemic, from their homes, betting on life, recognizing the work of the health workers, and of all those who came up against the tragedy. That is the strength to transform this crisis into an opportunity, to extend rights, to demand that those who have the most, those who have surplus resources and those who are mainly oriented by corporate greed pay for reparation.
Tulio Guterman, Director - April 2020