Vol. 26 No. 278 (2021)

Cheatrans and excluded
Many of the sports organizations, following the most outstanding, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), consider that there are only two categories of human beings, man-woman who compete in the male or female category. For its part, the UN report on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity recognizes that there are at least five types of gender identities: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex. The gender in a person can be different from the one with which they were born.
Within days of the start of the XXXII modern Olympic Games, the IOC denies the right of trans people to compete with their genuine body capital. It states that sexual ambiguity must be corrected to perpetuate the binary system on the sports scenary. A few nanomoles of the hormone testosterone in the blood determine access or exclusion and therefore an athlete who wants to compete within the rules of fair play, must undergo a purge of their hormonal content if they do not want to be tagged as cheater.
These ideas bypass laws that recognize diversity, which have been enacted in recent years in many countries. And thus, sport, supposed defender of health and inclusion, with its nineteenth-century practices and values, including gender binarism, is closing the right of a part of the collective LGBTI+ to develop, express themselves and freely choose according to their identity of genre. It is an indicator that the sport of the future will have to think about new forms of exhibition that more fairly reflect the plurality of human corporality. Perhaps the most reasonable is to abolish segregated competitions.
Tulio Guterman, Director - July 2021
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