Formation of teachers in Physical Education and Child Education: an analysis from PIBID

  • Vamberto Ferreira Miranda Filho Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB
  • Vanessa Anunciação Silva Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB


The present work had the objective of investigating the contributions that the Subproject of PIBID (Institutional Scholarship Initiative Program) has provided for the formation of the students in physical education of the DCH IV, of the UNEB, that act like Early Childhood Scholarship, in the segment of the childhood education. For this purpose, a field research was carried out with a qualitative approach, of the exploratory and descriptive type, in which the study group consisted of 05 fellows of the Program. Thus, the research results show that the Subproject has fulfilled an essential role in the initial formation of the students, aiming at intervention in the field of early childhood education, due to the existing gaps in the curriculum for initial formation.

Keywords: Professional training, Physical Education, Early Childhood Education, PIBID
How to Cite
Ferreira Miranda Filho, V., & Silva, V. A. (2019). Formation of teachers in Physical Education and Child Education: an analysis from PIBID. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 23(250), 14-26. Retrieved from
Research Articles