Internal and External Intensity in Futsal: The Case of a Semiprofessional Team


Futsal is an intermittent sport that demands high intensity. In parallel, the control and monitoring of intensities become important to quantify and qualify training demands. Variations in internal and external training intensity were analyzed in semi-professional futsal players, along with the training intensity planned by the coach during regular weeks and in the final phase of the championship throughout the season. For this purpose, the sample consisted of 18 players (age 25.0±6.6 years; height 176.8±5.7 cm; body mass 77.0±10.5 kg). The athletes' rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was collected, as well as that planned by the coach, training intensity, and performance in the countermovement vertical jump (CMJ) at the beginning and end of the training week. The pre-season was characterized by higher intensity in athletes' perception with higher initial SPE values. The RPE did not show a significant increase throughout the season, and the coach's planned RPE was overestimated for the year. Regarding CMJ, the players' group did not typically exhibit excessive accumulation of neuromuscular fatigue at the end of most weeks. There was an increase in CMJ performance throughout the season, indicating positive adaptations even during intense weeks. Comparative analyses between the player and coach-planned RPE at different times of the season enable the evaluation of SPE fluctuations and contribute to advancing knowledge about the athletes. This approach helps avoid overestimation and excessive demands that could potentially result in performance loss or injuries.

Keywords: Physical preparation, Performance sports, Training, Physical exercice


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Author Biographies

Matheus Henrique da Silva Pacheco,

Gustavo de Conti Teixeira Costa,

Gustavo Ferreira Pedrosa,

Henrique de Oliveira Castro,

Gabriel Ivan Pranke,

Thiago José Leonardi,

Lorenzo Iop Laporta,

How to Cite
Pacheco, M. H. da S., Costa, G. de C. T., Pedrosa, G. F., Castro, H. de O., Pranke, G. I., Leonardi, T. J., & Laporta, L. I. (2024). Internal and External Intensity in Futsal: The Case of a Semiprofessional Team. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(314), 78-93.
Research Articles