Strengthening the CORE: Assessment of Endurance and Muscle Strength in Amateur Runners


This study investigated the relationship between CORE muscle strengthening and the performance of amateur runners, focusing on endurance and muscular strength. Street runners are susceptible to musculoskeletal injuries due to the high physical demand of the activity. However, strengthening the CORE can help prevent injuries and improve athletic performance. The study involved 35 amateur runners from Porto Velho-RO, who underwent specific CORE endurance and muscular strength tests. The results highlighted a significant correlation between muscle strengthening and trunk flexion tests, right and left lateral bridge. Furthermore, regression analysis revealed that these tests explained up to 31% of the variation in muscle strengthening. These findings emphasize the importance of strengthening the CORE for amateur runners, suggesting that the evaluation of these tests may be useful in predicting muscle strengthening and developing more effective training programs. This study provides valuable information to promote a healthier and more sustainable practice of street running, contributing to the prevention of injuries and the improvement of athletic performance in this specific population.

Keywords: Running, CORE, Exercise


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Author Biographies

Naiara Trivério Camacho,

Marcelo Tiago Balthazar Corrêa,

Edson dos Santos Farias,

How to Cite
Camacho, N. T., Corrêa, M. T. B., & Farias, E. dos S. (2024). Strengthening the CORE: Assessment of Endurance and Muscle Strength in Amateur Runners. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(316), 135-151.
Research Articles