Does the Soccer Training Method Interfere with Psychomotor Development? Study in Bolivian Children


There are scientific documents that directly address the relationship between the training method and learning soccer, but very few studies relate them to the contents of children's psychomotor development. Therefore, the objective of this study is to establish the relationship between the soccer training method and psychomotor development in children aged five to eleven years. A descriptive correlational study with a qualitative approach was carried out. Therefore, protocols and observation guides were used to evaluate psychomotor development divided into body control (balance, general dynamic coordination, visual-motor coordination, and laterality), and motor skills (throwing, receiving, and kicking). To find out the training method, a semi-structured interview was used with the coaches. 75 children between 5 and 11 years participated. The results show that nearly half of the children have alterations in general dynamic coordination, a significantly higher number between the ages of 5 and 8 years. Also, more than half have inadequate balance between the ages of 5 and 8 years. A high percentage of the children evaluated present inadequate visual-motor coordination and crossed laterality. Therefore, the method of learning soccer corresponds to the analytical one, prioritizing technique and tactics with the purpose of imparting the contents and fundamentals with physical intensity not recommended for the age, apparently interfering and affecting the contents of harmonious psychomotor development over the globality and integrality of body construction and promoting motor refinement of kicking from the age of 5.

Keywords: Psychomotor development, Motor skills, Training methdology, Children's soccer, Laterality


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Author Biography

Iván Esaú Pinto Vargas,

How to Cite
Pinto Vargas, I. E. (2025). Does the Soccer Training Method Interfere with Psychomotor Development? Study in Bolivian Children. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(320), 34-52.
Research Articles