Recreational Program for Taking Advantage of Free Time
Study Aimed at University Students from a Higher Technological Institute of Guayaquil
In this study a recreational program designed to optimize the use of free time among university adolescents is presented. The introduction contextualizes the importance of free time management in the comprehensive development of young people, especially in the university environment, where academic demands can generate stress. The main objective of this study is to contribute to the use of free time of adolescents between 19 and 20 years old studying Nursing at the Bolivarian Technological Institute through the application of a recreational program in the period from February to July 2021. methodology details the planning and execution of the program, which includes a variety of recreational activities, from sports to cultural events, adapted to the preferences and interests of university adolescents. The results of the program reveal significant improvements in the perception of free time, stress management, and the quality of social interactions among participants. An increase in participation in recreational activities and a decrease in anxiety levels related to academic demands is observed. The conclusions highlight the effectiveness of the recreational program as a positive intervention for the well-being of university adolescents, underscoring the importance of addressing free time management as an integral component of their development. These findings offer valuable insights for designing similar strategies in educational settings, promoting a holistic approach to college adolescents' free time.
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