The Game as an Inclusive Learning Strategy in Basic General Education Students
In the daily lives, social inclusion is a commitment that aims to encompass the diversity of identities related to religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, culture, disability and others, being one of the main sustainable development objectives established in the 2030 agenda. By seeking to address the diversity of the classroom in a playful way from an early age, it allows students to get involved in an educational environment free of discrimination, based on trust and security; The present research is considered descriptive focused on the application of empirical level methods (surveys), which aims to present the types of games applied to 120 Basic General Education students belonging to the parish of Pintag, during the academic period 2023-2024, with the purpose of providing recreational activities that contribute to the planning of the educational community and provide a teaching-learning process based on the game as a means of attention to the diversity of the classroom, resulting in both games board games, as well as cooperative games, are the main recreational activities that generate an environment of interaction, communication, active listening and problem solving among peers, adopting a pedagogical approach where the student becomes the main actor in the process through meaningful learning focused on collaboration, cooperation and educational inclusion.
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