Intuitive Mobile Application for the Indirect Calculation of Training Intensity
Heart rate (HR) has a direct relationship with exercise intensity. Several mathematical formulas have been proposed to determine this relationship, which show heterogeneity around the parameters included in the calculation, responding to the individual conditions of the subject. Therefore, choosing the appropriate equation for each person can become complicated and erratic. For this reason, the proposal was to design an intuitive, user-friendly, and easy-to-use mobile application that allows the user to calculate their maximum HR and the HR according to the desired intensity, considering their particularities. MIT App Inventor 2 was used for the development of the application. Four equations for the indirect determination of VO2 max were taken into account, according to their specificity regarding population characteristics (ACSM Equation, Tanaka equation, Miller equation, Karvonen equation). With the implementation of these equations and the inductive way in which the application is designed, it is expected to minimize errors regarding the prediction of training zones for each subject, in relation to their performance. This, in turn, will reduce the likelihood of errors in sports training planning and/or exercise prescription.
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