Violence and Prejudice Rooted in Soccer

What do Elementary School Students Think?


Physical Education is the basic curricular component responsible for thematizing the body culture of movement, which integrates various bodily manifestations, and uses soccer as teaching and study content. Thus, the objective of this work was to analyze the perception of 9th year students at a State School in Porto Alegre/RS, regarding violence and prejudice within soccer, as well as identifying whether this topic is covered in Physical Education classes. School, and what actions, according to the students, could reduce such acts in soccer and in society. The research was characterized as qualitative descriptive. Data collection was carried out in a focus group format, with 30 students from the 9th year of Elementary School in the Public Network of Porto Alegre/RS, which is why it was necessary to apply the Free and Informed Assent Term (TALE), signed by the responsible, in addition to a Letter of Consent signed by the institution's management. The results obtained indicate, in addition to the lack of spaces within Physical Education classes for these debates, that rivalry and competition are elements that cause violence and prejudice. Furthermore, it highlighted the students' preference for better rules and severe punishments for those who commit these crimes, within soccer and society.

Keywords: Physical Education, School, Soccer, Violence


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Author Biographies

Odair de Ramos Stocco,

Veruska Pires,

How to Cite
Stocco, O. de R., & Pires, V. (2024). Violence and Prejudice Rooted in Soccer: What do Elementary School Students Think?. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(316), 66-82.
Research Articles