Physical Exercise Recommendations in Muscle and Weight Loss Due to COVID-19. A Narrative Review


Introduction: A muscle loss is associated with a symptomatic Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) by histologic and body compositions and biochemical analysis in quantification measures. Is unclear the mechanism for muscle damage in these patients, but the tomographic measurement is a result that appears in the analyses in hospitalized patients. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of COVID-19 on weight loss, cachexia and sarcopenia. Methods: The literature review was conducted according to the SANRA Statement utilizing PubMed, Lilacs, Google Scholar and Cochrane Library databases. First, to identify relevant publications about COVID-19 and muscle and weight loss, the combined search terms were used: (1) COVID-19 OR SARS-CoV-2 (2) cachexia OR muscle wasting and (3) exercise OR nutrition. Results and conclusions: Previous information related the cytokines, nutrition, pharmacological treatment, physical inactivity during intensive care unit (ICU) stays, mechanical ventilation are associated with de sarcopenia and cachexia in COVID-19 patients. In studies area association between imaging and physical test performance, anthropometric measures and muscle dystrophy blood marks.

Keywords: Physical activity, Cytokine storm, Skeletalmuscle, Malnutrition


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Author Biographies

Luiz Augusto da Silva,

Marcos Roberto Brasil,

How to Cite
Silva, L. A. da, & Brasil, M. R. (2023). Physical Exercise Recommendations in Muscle and Weight Loss Due to COVID-19. A Narrative Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(307), 179-190.
Review Articles