Contemporary Cross-Cutting Themes and Cross-Cutting Themes: Forwards or Backwards?
The problems that afflict Brazilian society have gone through a process of naturalization of inequalities and, many times, of blaming the victims, Brazil faces problems arising from the long process of enslavement added to neoliberal conservatism, thus causing a pseudo-underclass of individuals, who has its private fundamental rights to maintain the status quo through a perverse relationship between economic development, environmental conservation and social policies. The current Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), when it again brings the Transversal Contemporary Themes (TCTs) to the field of educational discussions, brings it with a more traditional and conservative guise. In view of the above, the present text intends to compare the Transversal Themes brought by the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN) in the 90's with the Transversal Contemporary Themes of the current BNCC in the perspective of identifying possible advances or setbacks for the contents of national education, an analysis of the content presented by the documents was carried out. Officials: PCN and BNCC through the main social problems in Brazil today.
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