Effects of Plyometric Training Combined with Repeated Sprints on Physical Performance in Female Handball Athletes
Handball is characterized by high-intensity efforts and sprints and jumps are crucial for the performance during the game; however, little is known about the effectiveness of plyometric training combined with repeated sprints in improving aerobic and anaerobic performance in female handball athletes. Thus, the purpose of this study was to verify whether plyometric training combined with repeated sprints would improve aerobic and anaerobic performance in female handball athletes after preseason. Twelve athletes of the U-20 category (mean age of 18.4 years) were selected, and the variables evaluated covered anthropometric characteristics, body composition, jump tests (vertical and horizontal), aerobic fitness (Yo-Yo test, level 1) and anaerobic fitness (Agility T-test and Running Based Anaerobic Sprint Test) before and after intervention (8 weeks) during the preseason. The training was held three times a week by plyometric exercises (two times a week) combined with repeated sprints (one time a week).Results showed significant differences (p≤0.05) and positive qualitative inference for all variables analyzed between the moments (jump height and distance, agility, aerobic and anaerobic resistance), except for countermovement jump (CMJ) and Fatigue Index. The results of this study revealed that plyometric training combined with repeated sprints could significantly improve aerobic and anaerobic performance in female handball athletes.
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