Simulated Practices in the Training of Physical Education Teachers. A Bibliographic Review


Introduction: The practices put the practitioners in a work situation to achieve competences, productions of meaning, creating situations that are not work in themselves but that anticipate the subject in training the professional life allowing the development of actions that professionalize him; simulated practices could be an alternative professional practice modality, part of training and continuing education. Objective: to carry out a systematic review on the simulated professional practices, determining their role in the physical education teacher training process. Method: A “PRISMA” collection model is used to obtain and process and present the data. Results: it is determined that there are two modalities of simulated practices: The scenic type, where the students of a course assume roles and behaviors defined in a script, generating situations that must be solved by the classmates with the role of teacher, while the observers and The participants will add their feedback and those of simulators, which can be written (with a case-to-solve system) and the computerized ones that present algorithms based on images and other interactive multimedia resources.

Keywords: Teacher training, Professional practice, Decision making, Simulated practice


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How to Cite
Castillo, L. A. (2021). Simulated Practices in the Training of Physical Education Teachers. A Bibliographic Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(277), 173-189.
Review Articles