Parameters of Internal Training Load and Relationship with Perceived Recovery State in Cyclists
Information about the recovery state after training sessions is essential for planning and prescribing safe and effective training loads. Training load, as well as recovery state, have been assessed in different ways. Among them, monotony, training strain and the perceived recovery state stand out. However, the relationship between these parameters in cyclists is still unclear in the literature. The objective of this research was to verify the relationship between monotony and training strain with the perceived recovery state after different training sessions in recreational cyclists. Six recreational road or mountain bike cyclists, male, aged between 18 and 45 years old, with at least 1 year of regular practice in the sport participated in this study. During 6 weeks, participants were asked to provide the following load parameters after each training session: duration of the training session, rating of perceived exertion of the training session and rating of perceived recovery. From these data, monotony, training strain and training load were calculated. No significant correlations were observed between the perceived recovery state and the parameters monotony and training strain. The perceived recovery state is not associated with the monotony of training session or with training strain in recreational cyclists.
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