Vol. 29 No. 314 (2024)

El peor espectáculo

The worst show
Sports organizations are committed to eliminating violence from sport. However, xenophobic, homophobic and racist expressions were observed in the Euro 2024 championship held in Germany by groups among the public in the stadiums and some players. They manifest themselves through gestures, chants, insults and banners with fundamentalist symbols that incite hatred and violence.
They are public demonstrations of ideological configurations that circulate in current societies. It is worrying to note that fanaticism, intolerance, machismo and omnipotence prevail in its content, in voices that not only operate to the detriment of those who enjoy the show and emotionally encourage their team, but also try to make authoritarian discourses acceptable beyond the stadiums. Thus, racism and xenophobia extend to the housing market, in the job search and in schools.
Soccer has the ability to unite people from different backgrounds, social classes and cultures, creating a sense of community and belonging. It is part of the identity and in many regions and countries it is a fundamental element of popular culture. At the same time, he has inspired various artistic expressions in works that reflect the emotion, beauty and complexity of his practice. So that each match represents a party and not a collective tragedy, let us continue applauding the application of severe disciplinary measures for those who engage in conduct that promotes all types of violence.
Tulio GutermanDirector, July 2024

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Published: 2024-07-08



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