Internship in Physical Education: importance of posture in the exercise

  • Tarley Neves Silva Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)
  • Jean Silva Bofim Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)
  • Fábio Fernandes Flores Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)


The internship represents the moment of use of knowledge coming mainly from the academic formation, being an opportunity to know more about the intervention of its respective course. The objective of this work is to describe the experience of Stage VIII, having as object body posture. The same is qualitative and descriptive, originated through a report of experience experienced by the authors during the component of Development of Pedagogical Actions in Non-Formal Physical Education II (Stage VIII). The internship took place in a private academy in the municipality of Guanambi (BA), divided into two stages: observation (1 week) and intervention (8 weeks). The purpose of the intervention was to adjust during the training regarding body positioning, occurring with 5 participants. The timing of the intervention was divided in 4 fortnights, in each 1 emphasis was given to a specific joint: spine, shoulder girdle, hip and knee. The living information was recorded in the logbook. In the spine was verbalized discomforts and was emphasized the strengthening of the abdomen; in the shoulder girdle we noticed that they presented difficulties in performing exercises and we worked in the corporal alignment; in the hip we observe the occurrence of the pelvic tilt and also work in the corporal alignment; and in the knee there were reports of pain during exercise and walking for a long time, and therefore different adjustments were made; in front of the actions, we hear and visualize improvements in the posture during the execution of the exercises. Therefore, the component made possible an extended learning and made us have an experience in the sense of professional preparation.

Keywords: Internship, Physical Education, Posture, Exercice
How to Cite
Neves Silva, T., Silva Bofim, J., & Fernandes Flores, F. (2019). Internship in Physical Education: importance of posture in the exercise. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 24(251), 73-80. Retrieved from
Innovation and Experiences