Efficacy of online interventions based on social networks to promote physical activities

  • Enrique Jiménez Vaquerizo Universidad de Valladolid


Online social networks have become a fundamental part of people's daily lives. Currently there are many web applications, based on interaction in social networks that aim to promote and encourage the adoption of a healthy lifestyle through programs and plans based on physical exercise. The objective of this research will be to, through a review of the literature, advance the theoretical discussion on online social network interventions and provide empirical evidence demonstrating the effectiveness and causal pathways of such interventions when promoting the activity physical. After the analysis of the selected information, it could be concluded that although there are factors associated with the interaction with social networks that could influence the effectiveness of such interventions, the methodological differences and those associated with the nature, purpose and administration of such social networks, they are the variables that contribute to their success to a greater extent.

Keywords: Physical Education, Physical exercice, Social networks, Intervention in health
How to Cite
Jiménez Vaquerizo, E. (2019). Efficacy of online interventions based on social networks to promote physical activities. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 24(251), 124-136. Retrieved from https://efdeportes.com/efdeportes/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/929
Review Articles