Possibilities of augmented reality applied in the management of sports training

  • Jonathan Stalin Delgado Guerrero University of Guayaquil
  • Yuliana Yohany León Bazan University of Guayaquil


Augmented reality is a technology capable of mounting a layer of information on a real display that allows expanding the perception of an object to instantly know relevant data. In recent years its application has been evolving and we see it being used in searches, educational applications and medical applications. In sports training, samples are usually taken with values ​​of some variables that are considered for control or to measure the evolution of the athlete. For the realization of this article, a literature review was carried out where the aim is to raise awareness of augmented reality technology and how it can be used as a data and information gathering tool in sports training.

Keywords: Augmented reality, Sport training, Application, Software

Author Biographies

Jonathan Stalin Delgado Guerrero,

Computer Systems Engineer
Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Yuliana Yohany León Bazan,

Computer Systems Engineer
Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

How to Cite
Delgado Guerrero, J. S., & León Bazan, Y. Y. (2018). Possibilities of augmented reality applied in the management of sports training. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 22(236), 57-61. Retrieved from https://efdeportes.com/efdeportes/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/9
Review Articles