Guide to Inclusive Exercises for Pregnant Women in the First Trimester of Gestation

Study in Third-Year High School Physical Education Classes


Introduction: Physical activity during pregnancy can improve various health indicators, reduce risks, and complications during pregnancy and childbirth, for which it is necessary to design optimal preparation content. Objective: To create a guide with inclusive exercises for pregnant women in the third year of high school by researching medically permitted activities during the first trimester, which will be developed during Physical Education class, to contribute positively to the health of both the baby and the mother. Method: Exploratory research, of a descriptive/explanatory type for a case study, supported by the examination of previous studies as well as experiences and routines, which allowed us to carry it out. This methodology was selected in order to achieve a deeper and more contextualized understanding of the topic under study. Results: After implementing the suggested guide, benefits such as greater inclusion of the pregnant student with the rest of the students, an evident improvement in the emotional environment, and a positive correlation between physical activity and psychological and medical well-being during pregnancy were observed. Conclusion: The case study highlights the need for an intervention process tailored to the pregnant woman's characteristics and requirements, adapting physical exercises to the needs of the expectant mother, which were fully met by the patient. Furthermore, the specialists consulted qualitatively indicate that the intervention proposal is positive, with the doctor stating that the evaluation of the pregnant woman is within normal parameters, while the psychologist assesses the effects of the proposal on the pregnant woman's emotional state as satisfactory.

Keywords: Teenage pregnancy, Adapted exercises, Physical Education, Secondary Education


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How to Cite
Moya Duque, Álvaro R., Alquinga Sandovalin, R. H., Morales Neira, D. J., & Maqueira Caraballo, G. de la C. (2024). Guide to Inclusive Exercises for Pregnant Women in the First Trimester of Gestation: Study in Third-Year High School Physical Education Classes. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(318), 139-161.
Case Study (Clinical)