Which Are the Teams that Have Won the Copa America the Most?

  • Alessia Quispe Independiente


Throughout all editions of the Copa America, the Argentine and Uruguayan teams won 15 titles each. They played 195 games against each other, with 91 wins for Argentina, 58 for Uruguay and 46 draws. They have never played in a Copa America final, they only met once in the semifinals in 1987 with a 1-0 victory for Uruguay. Argentina is the only team to have won the title in three consecutive editions (1945-1947). Uruguay is the only team that has beaten Brazil at home in the Copa America (4-2). Both teams are the ones that have played in the most finals (29 for Argentina, 20 for Uruguay). Argentina and Uruguay are two of the strongest teams in the Copa America and have written a great history in this tournament. Both teams are candidates for the title and will surely play great games in the coming editions.

Keywords: Copa America, Soccer, Argentina, Uruguay


Ascarate, P. (2022). Selección Argentina: un camino hacia “La scaloneta”. In XIV Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología. XXIX Jornadas de Investigación. XVIII Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR. IV Encuentro de Investigación de Terapia Ocupacional. IV Encuentro de Musicoterapia. Facultad de Psicología-Universidad de Buenos Aires. https://www.aacademica.org/000-084/587

Gomensoro, A. (2020). Batlle, el batllismo y el fútbol. Encuentros Uruguayos, 13(1), 83-107. https://ojs.fhce.edu.uy/index.php/encuru/article/view/1266

How to Cite
Quispe, A. (2024). Which Are the Teams that Have Won the Copa America the Most?. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(314), 231-235. Retrieved from https://efdeportes.com/efdeportes/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/7772