Program of Recreational Activities to Improve Strength in Third Grade Elementary School Students
The objective of this research was based on the analysis of the effect produced by a program of recreational activities to improve strength applied to third grade primary school students. During the investigation, 50 children from the third grade of primary school were studied (25 boys and 25 girls) equally distributed in the Experimental and Control groups. Strength was assessed by applying a pre- and post-test of the EUROFIT and Abdominal tests. The treatment consisted of the application of a program focused on the development of strength in children distributed over 16 sessions (40 minutes long for each session), carried out through recreational activities such as wheelbarrow races, quadruped movements, handrail movements and endurance races. The research methodology was quasi-experimental during the application of the program in the comparison of homogeneous groups. The results of the 3 skills evaluated by the EUROFIT test presented favorable statistical differences in the experimental group in all skills and it was only in the evaluation of abdominals that the statistical difference was presented in both groups, so it is not possible to attribute said change to the treatment applied. The program of recreational activities fulfills its purpose by being able to produce significant changes in the development of the child's strength.
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