Acute Effect of Blood Flow Restriction and German Volume Training on Hemodynamics and Hypertrophy
The blood flow restriction (BFR) technique has been used to improve hemodynamics and muscle hypertrophy, but the combination of BFR with other training methods is a knowledge gap. Therefore, the aim of the study is to analyze the acute effect of the combination of BFR and German volume training (GVT) on hemodynamic and hypertrophic measurements (muscle pump) in recreationally trained men. Ten men participated in the study (25.5±6.1 years; 81.5±7.3 kg; 1.73±0.06 m; 27.2±2.4 kg*m²), who were subjected to randomized with an interval between sessions of 5-7 days. In this way, three protocols were performed: GVT plus BFR at forty percent of 1RM=GVT+BFR 40%; GVT at forty percent of 1RM=GVT 40%; GVT at eighty percent of 1RM=GVT 80%, with each protocol being conducted with biceps curl exercises. Hemodynamic measurements were analyzed [(systolic and diastolic blood pressure (DBP)], heart rate in the pre-test moments, immediately after, 15 and 30 minutes later. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (muscle pump) was evaluated through perimetry in the pre- and post-intervention moments. All protocols significantly increased hemodynamic measurements (p<0.05) and all protocols generated a hypotensive effect on diastolic blood pressure (p<0.05). All protocols increased sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (p<0.05). It is concluded that the protocols promoted a hypotensive effect on DBP and increased hemodynamic measures within safety standards, also generating a muscle pump.
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