Acute and Chronic Effects of Circuit Training on the Elderly and Obese
The practice of physical exercise by elderly individuals and obese people is crucial for health and quality of life. For the elderly, physical activity helps maintain mobility, muscle strength, and independence, as well as prevent chronic diseases, reduce the risk of falls, and improve mental health. For obese individuals, exercise is essential for weight control, improvement in body composition, and reduction of the risk of obesity-related diseases. Objective: To investigate the effects of circuit training on elderly individuals and obese people. Methodology: This is an integrative review with searches in the databases PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Lilacs, all published in the last 12 years. Results: A total of 112 results were found, of which 20 were selected for this study. Of the 14 articles presented, 8 were related to elderly individuals, showing improvements in body composition (n=6), physical capabilities (n=5), functional capacities (n=4), pain reduction (n=1), and psychological benefits (n=1). The other 6 studies were related to obesity/overweight, showing improvements in body composition (n=6), physical capabilities (n=2), biological markers (n=2), and functional capacities (n=1). Conclusion: Circuit training is effective in promoting positive morphophysiological changes in these populations. These changes include improvements in body composition, strength, endurance, agility, and other physical capabilities, as well as cardiovascular benefits, improved quality of life, health-related physical fitness, functional autonomy, and psychological aspects.
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