Potential Receivers by zones in the Cuban 4x100 Meter Relays

Configurations from their Specialized Laterality Patterns


The research was conceived as part of a comprehensive diagnostic study in the Cuban national 4x100 meter relay teams of both sexes, with the intention of identifying the laterality patterns specialized to the characteristics of the technical phases of the receiving runner for the determination of the potential recipients by change zones of the 4x100 meter relay teams of Cuba in each of the fourteen possible members of both relays (male and female). Based on the technical characteristics required by receiving runners in the preparation and putting into action phases, the directing eye-hip rotation-dynamic leg relationship was identified as a new indicator, provided by the method of theoretical analysis of the structure of the activity, with the potential to adjust the laterality pattern to the technical specificity of the receiving runner. The results of the measurements made it possible to determine the potential right and left receivers for each relay and the recommendations to guarantee the improvement of technical actions based on bilateral training.

Keywords: 4x100 meter relay, Receiving runner technique, Laterality patterns


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How to Cite
García Chacón, L., Quintana Díaz, A., Sánchez Córdova, B., Mendoza de Lara, O., Viera González, M., Morales Barajas, E. A., & Delgado Salgado, S. E. (2024). Potential Receivers by zones in the Cuban 4x100 Meter Relays: Configurations from their Specialized Laterality Patterns. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(313), 83-97. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v29i313.7669
Research Articles