Post-COVID-19 Pulmonary Physiotherapy: A Case Study
The Covid-19 pandemic emerged in Wuhan in late December 2019, spreading across the world with a high rate of contamination. The Covid-19 covers a large number of sequelae in the respiratory system, which entails a need for intense physiotherapy intervention. Thus, it was objected in the present study to evaluate the effectiveness of post-Covid-19 pulmonary physiotherapy in a patient at a Physiotherapy Clinic School in the city of Montes Claros, MG. For this, it was used the case study as a methodology, which was carried out with a male patient, 62 years old, brown, divorced, with one child, with no report of previous illnesses, coming from the city of Montes Azul – MG, admitted in a Physiotherapy Clinic School with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, post-Covid-19, being submitted to tests to assess their perceptions of exertion through the Modified Borg scale, that is, the Six-Minute Walking Test and the muscle strength based on the Kendall scale. In view of the conduct performed, it is concluded that physiotherapy rehabilitation is an important resource in post-Covid-19 treatment, with regard to the proportion of sequelae caused by such infection.
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