The Place of the Body, School and Physical Education in Digital Times
Book Presentation
The book brings together various research and reflections on teaching Physical Education during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the coordination of Derli Juliano Neuenfeldt, Macgregor Baumgarten, Angela Maiane de Macedo Damasceno, Laise Katiane Alencar Lima, Valdenir Schoenberger, Claudionor Nunes Cavalheiro, Manoel Maria Silva Negrão, Elzanira Sousa de Oliveira, Adriano Edo Neuenfeldt, Jaqueline Luíza Klein, Tânia Micheline Miorando, Rogério José Schuck, Marcela de Melo Fernandes, Diogo Geraldo da Silva Guedes, Luciana Martins Baccarini, Miguel Ángel Villamil Pineda, Clara Inés Jaramillo Gaviria, Denise Grosso da Fonseca, Débora Raquel da Silva, Raquel Osolins Soares and Roseli Belmonte Machado participated. The work offers a comprehensive view of the challenges and opportunities that emerged during this period, and presents several suggestions for teaching Physical Education in digital times.
Neuenfeldt, D.J. (2023). O lugar do corpo, da escola e da Educação Física em tempos digitais. Ideograf.
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