Analysis of Post Isometric Handgrip Exercise Hypotension in Hypertensive Individuals


Introduction: Physical exercise can promote hypotensive response after a only session. Purpose: To analyze post isometric handgrip exercise hypotension (PIHEH) in hypertensive individuals using two different execution protocols. Methods: Medicated hypertensive volunteers who underwent two isometric handgrip exercise (IHG) protocols were included. The continuous protocol (CP) consisted of four sets of 2 minutes of continuous isometric contraction with 30% of the maximum voluntary isometric contraction, with a two-minute break between sets. The fractional protocol (FP) consisted of the same protocol, but during the series the volunteer performed one minute of contraction, rested for 20 seconds and another minute of contraction, finishing the series. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and heart rate (HR) were measured 30 minutes post-exercise in a five-minute cycle. The Shapiro-Wilk test verified the normality of the data. Analysis of variance was used to analyze differences between series of the same protocol and compare series between methods, with significance when p<0.05. Results: Ten volunteers were recruited. No significant differences were found in post-exercise SBP, HR and double-product compared to rest, nor even any difference between the protocols performed. Conclusion: IHG did not promote post-exercise changes in medicated hypertensive individuals.

Keywords: Cardiovascular system, Hypotension, Isometric exercice


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Author Biographies

Beatriz Rodrigues da Cunha Alcântara,

Bruno Borges Garcia,

João Pedro Martins Teixeira Lima,

Luis Fernando Tadeu de Assunção,

Thiago Dutra de Miranda e Silva,

Alexandre Gonçalves,

Leandro Teixeira Paranhos Lopes,

Hugo Ribeiro Zanetti,

How to Cite
Alcântara, B. R. da C., Garcia, B. B., Lima, J. P. M. T., Assunção, L. F. T. de, Silva, T. D. de M. e, Gonçalves, A., Lopes, L. T. P., & Zanetti, H. R. (2024). Analysis of Post Isometric Handgrip Exercise Hypotension in Hypertensive Individuals. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(314), 113-123.
Research Articles