Cultural Treasures of the Northern Sierra of Ecuador: Traditional Dances and Myths


The Northern Sierra of Ecuador harbors a remarkable cultural wealth, characterized by its traditional dances rooted in history and the myths that have permeated the worldview of indigenous and mestizo communities in the region. These artistic expressions and narratives reflect the cultural diversity and connection with nature that define this Andean region. The aim of this article is to explore and document the cultural treasures of the Sierra Norte region of Ecuador, focusing on traditional dances and myths that are an essential part of the identity and heritage of this area. Through the collection of testimonies from the local community, the article seeks to highlight the importance of these cultural expressions, encourage their preservation, and promote their appreciation both nationally and internationally. Fieldwork was conducted, including interviews with members of local communities, participant observations in cultural events, and review of documentary sources related to the traditions and myths of the region. Various traditional dances were identified, which are closely linked to religious festivities and community celebrations. In addition, myths and legends that have been passed down through generations were compiled. It is concluded that the traditional dances and myths of the northern sierra of Ecuador play a fundamental role in preserving the culture and history of the region, as well as in strengthening the collective identity of local communities. Their study and dissemination contribute to valuing and protecting the cultural heritage.

Keywords: Ecuador, Northern Sierra, Traditional dances, Myths


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How to Cite
Vivar Sarmiento, M. del R., Pitisaca Erique, V. P., Romero Logroño, M. V., & Ávila Granda, L. E. (2024). Cultural Treasures of the Northern Sierra of Ecuador: Traditional Dances and Myths. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(316), 99-115.
Research Articles