Evaluative Descriptions in Physical Education and Health During the Pandemic
Teachers' Experiences with Online Folk Dances and their Implementation
The following study aimed to explore the evaluative procedures and implementation strategies of an online folk dance proposal, based on the experiences of teachers during Physical Education and Health classes in pandemic times. The active participation of 71 professionals, whose data were meticulously collected through focus groups and semi-structured interviews, provides a detailed view of the prevalent pedagogical aspects in this descriptive, cross-sectional research design. The analysis of pedagogical procedures related to the online folk dance proposal highlights that the sequenced approach to dances in virtual sessions prevails at 43.9%, followed by the use of dances as a means of physical preparation at 22%, and the delivery of dances through capsules at 17.1%. Additionally, 22% evaluated participation in classes, and 15.2% requested evidence in the form of videos. These forms emerge as the most common practices among teachers in the evaluative practices of the proposal's dances and their implementation. This study highlights the adaptability of the online folk dance proposal, evidenced by the variety of pedagogical approaches and evaluation methods used by Physical Education teachers during the pandemic. Although it provides valuable insights for future educational strategies in virtual environments, the limitations, such as the self-reported nature of the data and the specificity of the sample, indicate the need to address these constraints in subsequent research to strengthen the validity of the findings.
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