Comparison of Motor Performance between Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typical Development


Fundamental motor skills are the foundation for the development of sports motor skills and may be related to physical activity throughout life. Some factors can influence the development of these skills, such as a lack of opportunities and individual factors like autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The aim of this study was to compare the performance in fundamental motor skills between children with ASD and their typical peers in the city of Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará. Twenty-two children aged 6 to 10 participated. The performance in fundamental motor skills was assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development-3. The results showed that children with ASD exhibited lower performance compared to typically developing children. When analyzing the performance classification of the participants, it was observed that both groups had children with delays in fundamental motor skills, with the majority in the ASD group. In comparison to locomotion skills, it was noted that the ratings obtained for object control skills were worse for both the typical and ASD groups. The study suggests that although the disorder may be an individual factor affecting the development of fundamental motor skills, there are other factors impacting the development of these skills, as typical children also show motor delays. It is recommended that children in this age range be exposed to contexts that provide a variety of motor practices to promote optimal motor development.

Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Motor development, Physical activity


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Author Biographies

Uânia da Silva Alves,

Emanuel Moita do Nascimento,

Cícero Luciano Alves Costa,

How to Cite
Alves, U. da S., Nascimento, E. M. do, & Costa, C. L. A. (2024). Comparison of Motor Performance between Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typical Development. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(313), 33-46.
Research Articles