Multicomponent and Strength Training Improve Mental Health and Quality of Life in the Elderly


The aim of this study is to compare the effects of 6 weeks of multicomponent training (MCT) and strength training (ST) on indices of stress, anxiety, depression and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in the elderly. A non-randomized experimental study (pre-posttest) was conducted with elderly men and women (65-79 years) assigned to groups: MCT (n=6, aerobic, range of motion and strengthening exercises) or ST (n=7, strengthening exercises) for 6 weeks. Mental health was measured using the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), while HRQoL was measured using the SF-36. The data was reported by mean and standard error and the analysis was performed using the Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) model, whose effect size was expressed by Cohen's d. In the GEE analysis, there were no statistically significant effects of group, time or interaction for the variables analyzed (P>0.05). The effect size was slightly in favor of MCT for all mental health scores (0.14≤d≤0.53). As for HRQoL, favorable effects for MCT were observed for the Bodily pain (d=.27), Vitality (d=0.34) and Social functioning (d=0.22) domains. In turn, ST was favorable for improving the Physical functioning (d=0.85), General health (d=2.46), Role emotional (d=.29) and Mental health (d=0.35) domains. It can be concluded that the mental health and HRQoL of the elderly may depend on their training. Both MT and ST, when performed progressively, can be effective strategies for improving the mental health and HRQoL of the elderly.

Keywords: Physical exercise, Mental disorders, Indicators of quality of life


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Author Biographies

Paula Ferreira Mendes do Nascimento,

Gabriel Rodrigues Neto,

Leonardo dos Santos Oliveira,

How to Cite
Nascimento, P. F. M. do, Silva , R. S. da, Neto, G. R., & Oliveira, L. dos S. (2024). Multicomponent and Strength Training Improve Mental Health and Quality of Life in the Elderly. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(311), 71-82.
Research Articles