Upper Limb Strength Training to Improve Sprinting in Amputee Soccer Players


The following work deals with how an upper limb strength training program affects sprinting in lower limb amputees. This problem shows that by training only the lower limbs and depending on the biomechanical characteristics of walking with Canadian canes, the expected results are not obtained in the sprint race. To respond then, this research was developed in three interconnected phases: diagnosis, intervention and evaluation. The diagnostic phase aimed to describe the current state of the athletes regarding the sprint race with Canadian poles. In it, a Bangsbo Sprint Test and the Borg Test were carried out. In the intervention phase, an action plan was developed for the implementation and improvement of speed over four months. Finally, in the evaluation phase, the results of the initial and final phases were compared, through the application of the same instruments proposed in the diagnostic phase, which made it possible to assess the effectiveness of the intervention developed, and corroborate that there was a significant improvement. in the times and performance in the sprint race associated with a subjective improvement on the part of the athletes, regarding the improvement of the strength of the upper limbs.

Keywords: Speed, Soccer, Amputees


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How to Cite
Guido, S., Regueira, E., & Acosta, C. (2024). Upper Limb Strength Training to Improve Sprinting in Amputee Soccer Players. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(311), 113-123. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v29i311.7415
Case Study (Clinical)