Active Lifestyles and Healthy Habits on Primary School Children

The Role of Family and School


The present study was centered on the relationships between the motor performance of primary school children, their lifestyle habits and the influence of the family and school context. This study had as main objective to characterize ways to promote active lifestyles on primary school children within their family and scholar contexts, following a dedicated program with several activities. The study involved 19 2nd grade students and their families, from a primary school in Aveiro region. In this context, activities were conducted with the aim of developing motor skills, linked to the promotion of more active lifestyles in a family context. With a qualitative-quantitative approach, measurements and weighings were carried out, as well as a logbook for each student. The data collected was analyzed in terms of content, on an interpretative and holistic basis. The importance of school and family in promoting more active lifestyles was emphasized. The results showed that family and school can influence children's behavior in relation to active lifestyles, highlighting the evolution of snack options, as well as the willingness to participate in various physical and sporting activities involving the family.

Keywords: Physical Education, Motor development, Active lifestyles, Family influence, School influence, Logbooks


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How to Cite
Duarte, M. C., & Neves, R. (2025). Active Lifestyles and Healthy Habits on Primary School Children: The Role of Family and School. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(320), 159-175.
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