Discipline Martial Arts in Graduate Courses in Physical Education: Reflections for Academic Education
This paper aims to analyze the syllabi of disciplines on the theme of Fights, taught in undergraduate courses in Physical Education at Brazilian federal universities and their relationship with the propositions of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) for this content. To this end, a survey was carried out on the e-MEC platform, of the data available on the official websites of federal public higher education institutions, considering the following information: Presence of an undergraduate course in Physical Education, distinction between Bachelor's and Degree's courses, offer of mandatory and optional disciplines on fighting, martial arts and combat sports. The information collected was analyzed using the BNCC, in order to find similarities and differences. In a total of 68 HEIs, only 37 had the theme offered. In these, 72 disciplines relating to the theme of fights were found. 42 of these are intended for broad modalities and 35 are represented by specific modalities. This scenario, when compared with the BNCC's curricular assumptions, may indicate the need for more subjects that dialogue with school perspectives, both in elementary and secondary education. Therefore, the uncritical treatment of the theme of struggles in its cultural and multifaceted perspective contributes to the mechanized and little relevant teaching model.
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