Motivational Aspects in CrossFit Training
The benefits of the regular practice of physical activity on health as well as the adverse effects associated with sedentarism are already well known. However, the motivational aspects that influence the practice of Crossfit are not well understood. The present study aimed, through a narrative review, to investigate which aspects influence the adherence and maintenance in CrossFit, considering age group and training frequency. A qualitative narrative review was carried out using the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Nineteen articles were included, published in the English language, considering the publication period limited between the years 2000 to 2020. The results demonstrate that younger age people are more influenced by factors such as: affiliation, social recognition and competition, while older adults are more motivated by health and body-related reasons such as weight control and appearance. Moreover, a higher training frequency was associated with higher rates of intrinsic factors, while a lower training frequency was related to extrinsic aspects. Therefore, intrinsic factors associated with motivation can lead to greater attendance in Crossfit training.
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