The Menstrual Period and the Performance of Strength Training by Young Athletes
A Literature Review
With the female participation in sport, interest in studies related to the signs and symptoms of premenstrual tension and the influence of hormones on strength training among young athletes is essential. The aim of this study was to carry out a critical review of the available literature in order to describe the influences of the menstrual period on the performance of strength training among young athletes. This is a literature review of the literature with a synthesis of the greatest scientific evidence. The databases consulted were Lilacs, Scielo and Pubmed and the descriptors used were: Menstrual Period; Strength Training; Athletes; crossed with each other by the Boolean operators “AND” and “OR”. Seven articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included, one cross-sectional study, three field studies, two controlled clinical trials and one prevalence with tracking study. The phase of the menstrual cycle with the highest concentration of estrogen and progesterone is the luteal phase, which has the greatest positive influence on the performance of strength training by young athletes, as this makes women support greater loads and perform more repetitions.
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