How Technology is Helping Prepare Athletes

  • Nilton Maneiro da Silva


Technology has become an indispensable ally for athletes and coaches, providing a more efficient and specific preparation, optimizing their training, monitoring their progress and aiming for sports excellence and improving performance. There are various resources and devices whose use is becoming more frequent: sensors that allow receiving real-time information on vital metrics, training in virtual reality environments, biomechanical analysis through 3D images, analysis and study of complex data. In the future it is possible to imagine the world of sports as a fertile field for the advancement of bioengineering.

Keywords: Technology, Sport, Performance


Clínica Shen (2019). Entenda como a avaliação biomecânica melhora a performance de atletas.

Goes, D. (2022). Realidade virtual é vista como produto elitizado pelos gamers. SportBuzz.

Seshadri, DR, Thom, ML, Harlow, ER, Gabbett, TJ, Geletka, BJ, Hsu, JJ, Drummond, CK, Phelan, DM, y Voos, JE (2021). Wearable technology and analytics as a complementary toolkit to optimize workload and to reduce injury burden. Frontiers in sports and active living, 2, 228.

How to Cite
Silva, N. M. da. (2023). How Technology is Helping Prepare Athletes. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(303), 216-220. Retrieved from