Use of Biomechanics in Sports Footwear as a Risk Reducer During Physical Activity

Systematic Review


The problem addressed by the research consists of the use of biomechanics in sports footwear as a method of preventing injuries and improving performance and technique, reducing risk in areas of physical activity and sports. From the analysis of aspects such as comfort, stability, weight, flexibility, cushioning according to the step, fit between foot, sizes and footwear, comfort in movements, comfort in the temperature of the footwear, footwear materials. The main objective of the study is to understand the impact of biomechanics on the prevention of injuries and improvement of performance and technique in sports and physical activity. Current study with a systemic, interdisciplinary approach on the effects of footwear construction with biomechanical intervention. Searches in specialized engines, databases: (Scopus, Redalyc, SciELO, Proquest). Through terms of inquiry and selection. Related biomechanical studies for shoe constructions in sports and physical activity. The Prisma 2009 Flow Diagram methodology was used. All articles were entered into the Endnote box to eliminate duplicate articles. Next, original research articles in peer-reviewed journals that investigated the effect of shoe constructions on biomechanical changes were included. Within the ethical considerations, the exclusion criteria included duplicate articles, orthopedic, related to biomechanics, this systematic review included mainly laboratory biomechanical studies, recognizing the effects of different footwear constructions concerning the variables related to prevention, risk and performance in athletes.

Keywords: Biomechanics, Sports footwear, Sport, Physical activity


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Author Biographies

Martha Virginia Tapia Navarro,

Antonio Enrique Campo Peña,


How to Cite
Tapia Navarro, M. V., Campo Peña, A. E., & Rosales García, J. C. (2024). Use of Biomechanics in Sports Footwear as a Risk Reducer During Physical Activity: Systematic Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(314), 221-230.
Review Articles