Written Production of English Language at Level A2: Feedback Strategies
Writing is one of the fundamental linguistic competences in the study of a foreign language such as English at the university level, with effects on the improvement in the levels of learning of the same. In the research, an intervention process was carried out with two groups of university students from the Escuela Politécnica Nacional de Quito. Ecuador, with similar academic conditions and level of language proficiency, with the purpose of studying the effects of the application of strategies of feedback of learning English during written production. During a period of eight weeks. the experimental group developed their English language learning activities directed towards the use of writing and these students being the subject of the feedback process of their written production in general. The results obtained in a pre-test and post-test allowed to show a significant improvement in the written production of the students and in a particular way in the experimental group. As a result of this process. the materials and techniques used serve as the basis for the elaboration of the didactic proposal of work in the classroom for the improvement of writing.
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