Main Differences Between Game and Sport

  • Mía Pizarro Independiente


Play and sport are part of people's lives from childhood. Both generate both physical and mental benefits and present differences between them. In sports, the rules are predetermined while in the game they are spontaneous and can change with the agreement of the participants. Sport has been institutionalized by the existence of international organizations that determine the rules and competitions; the game is recreational. Sport, for its part, tends to be more competitive. In sport there is greater physical effort than in the game, it requires training as a specific skill is required. Finally, sports require a certain space and a number of participants to practice, while most games take place without the need for large facilities.

Keywords: Game, Sport, Physical effort


Kasper, K. (2019). Sports training principles. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 18(4), 95-96.

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Sepúlveda-Páez, G., Díaz-Karmelic, Y., y Ferrer-Urbina, R. (2019). Ansiedad pre-competitiva y estrategias de afrontamiento deportivo, en disciplinas acuáticas individuales y colectivas en deportistas juveniles de alto nivel. Límite (Arica), 14.

How to Cite
Pizarro, M. (2023). Main Differences Between Game and Sport. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(300), 236-240. Retrieved from