Judo in Porto Alegre (1950s and 1960s): practice itineraries in the city


This research aims to investigate how the practice of judo was organized in Porto Alegre between the 1950s and 1960s. To this end, the theoretical-methodological reference of sociocultural bias was based on the analysis of documents and the bibliographic review. The results showed that the first signs of the institutionalized practice of judo in Porto Alegre date from the 1950s, when Japanese Takeo Yano migrated to the city of Porto Alegre to teach classes in the dojo installed on the terrace of the Hotel Majestic. Then, for financial reasons, the doo of Takeo Yano changed to "Sport Club Ruy Barbosa". Later, with the departure of Takeo Yano, the direction of the judo in "Sport Club Ruy Barbosa", was assumed by Januário Dias that, later, the command to Aluísio Nogueira Bandeira de Mello, the Loanzi. In the following decade, 1960s, Teruo Obata arrived in Porto Alegre, which taught judo in the "Sport Club Ruy Barbosa". At the time, also came to Porto Alegre the Japanese Naoshige Ushijima and the nissei Ricardo Shunji Hinata, to teach judo. In this way, the practice of judo was increased in the period in its different aspects. In the late 1960s, in 1969, after an impasse between judo leaders in Porto Alegre, two entities were founded: the Federação Gaúcha de Judô and the Federação Rio-Grandense de Judô. This fact also suggests that there were divergences in the understanding of the specificity of fighting practice.

Keywords: Judo, Martial arts, Fights, Federation, Sport history
How to Cite
Boehl, W. R., & Zarpellon Mazo, J. (2019). Judo in Porto Alegre (1950s and 1960s): practice itineraries in the city. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 23(250), 78-89. Retrieved from https://efdeportes.com/efdeportes/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/686
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