Effects of Strength Training on Health of Children and Adolescents


The use of strength training as a pedagogical tool for improving health and quality of life is well known. However, its application with children and adolescents is still questionable by the scientific community. Thus, this study aims to analyze the scientific production on the effects of resistance training on the health of children and adolescents. This is an integrative review carried out in the electronic databases PubMED, Scielo, Science Direct and Google Scholar, with original and review studies published between 2013 and 2023. 15 review studies and 10 original articles were selected. The results point to an improvement in physical fitness related to health, control of metabolic disorders and childhood obesity, cardioprotective effect and promotion of mental health and healthy habits. It highlights the meager scientific production with children and children and youth populations with specific needs, highlights the need for qualified professional monitoring and the importance of inserting resistance training in the school environment. It is concluded that resistance training, when supervised by an adequate professional, can promote the improvement of health and quality of life in children and adolescents, influencing physical, metabolic and mental health through the adoption of healthy habits.

Keywords: Child health, Adolescent health, Physical exercice, Health promotion


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Author Biographies

Thiago Medeiros da Costa Daniele,


Caio Vieira Nunes,


José Anderson Nascimento Saraiva,


Larissa Oliveira Nascimento,


Ralciney Márcio Carvalho Barbosa,


Diane Nocrato Esmeraldo Rebouças,


Mônica Helena Neves Pereira Pinheiro,


Nilson Vieira Pinto,


How to Cite
Daniele, T. M. da C., Nunes, C. V., Saraiva, J. A. N., Nascimento, L. O., Barbosa, R. M. C., Rebouças, D. N. E., Pinheiro, M. H. N. P., & Pinto, N. V. (2023). Effects of Strength Training on Health of Children and Adolescents. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(304), 173-191. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v28i304.4044
Review Articles