Analysis of the General Adaptation Syndrome in the Understanding of the Training Load of Matveev
The general adaptation syndrome (GAS) can be defined as the athlete's physiological responses because the stress of the training load that cause adaptations to this stimulus, but if this load continues to be performed it can cause fatigue. The objective of the essay was to explain why Matveev never used GAS in the load undulation. Matveev's periodization uses more frequently the load undulation for the athlete to support the stimulation of the sessions. The GAS was studied by Selye, it is composed by the alarm reaction, resistance phase and exhaustion phase. An of the first to use the GAS to understand the effect of the load on the athlete's body was Prokop in 1959. Then, after that moment, GAS was widespread in sports training literature and it is attributed to Matveev that he used this theory to explain the effect of the load undulation on the athlete. However, Matveev never used the GAS to scientifically substantiate load undulation. Matveev practiced two questions about this content: 1st the GAS cannot be a theoretical content of its periodization because it was studied in stress based on the pathology and 2nd, the volume and intensity are not inserted in the GAS and this theory is inadequate to base the load of its periodization. In conclusion, the physiological mechanisms of the GAS were studied mainly in rats, and not in humans, making it interesting for sports scientists to study the GAS in the athlete during Matveev's load undulation.
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