Body Composition and its Relationship with the Power of the Lower Extremities in Taekwondoines


The taekwondo athlete requires adequate muscle endurance, speed, agility, precision and power, research suggests that body composition can have relationship and impact on those aspects of performance, in this way the following research has the objective of analyzing the relationship between the body composition and the power of the lower extremities, with a marked emphasis on muscle mass, said research was of quantitative type, descriptive, correlative and transversal, carried out with 22 taekwondoines (11 male athletes and 11 female athletes) to which an anthropometric evaluation was made and the power of the lower limbs was evaluated by means of the Countermovement Jump Test, for the correlation of the variables the Pearson correlation coefficient was used, carried out in the statistical program SPSS 21, within the results a correlation of r=0.635 between power and lean mass is highlighted, indicating an average positive correlation, unlike power and fat mass giving a correlation of r=0.386 a weak positive correlation, as conclusions, research suggests that the more muscle mass the higher the power level in the lower extremities, in such a way that anthropometric evaluation becomes a valuable tool for determining actions for the improvement of capacities and performance.

Keywords: Martial arts, Anthropometry, Athlete


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How to Cite
Reyes Díaz, R. A., Norberto Flores, M. E., & Cruz Lara, N. M. (2023). Body Composition and its Relationship with the Power of the Lower Extremities in Taekwondoines. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(303), 61-74.
Research Articles